Radha with a musical instrument – Kangra Painting is a pictorial art form named after Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, a former princely state that patronized it. The style that was patronized by Rajput rulers between the 17th and 19th centuries is now known as Pahari painting. Watercolor is used on cloth or paper. Kangra painters used pure colours like yellow, red, and blue, which have retained their brilliance even after two centuries. These paintings feature soft colours such as cool blues and greens, as well as lyrical treatment of themes. The recurring theme of Kangra painting whether it portrays one of the six seasons or modes of music, Radha and Krishana or Shiva and Parvati is the love of man for woman or vise versa.
International Indian Folk Art Gallery has an exquisite selection of traditional and famous paintings and handicrafts from India for Hindu Puja room, living room, bedroom, family room, hall, kitchen, lounge room, lobby, reception, waiting rooms, main entrance, and study rooms. Hand-made by traditional Indian Folk Artists. Best wall art design solutions for an apartment, small & large houses, villas, restaurants, hotels, and offices. You can buy genuine traditional Indian paintings and Indian handicrafts online from anywhere globally, directly from traditional artists. Perfect online platform for architects, interior designers, homeowners, and officials, to bring that original authentic rich, royal interior décor design ideas for your home, office, restaurants, hotel, community centres, and government institutions.
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