Prakash, a renowned musician started learning Mridhangam at the age of 5, accompanied his Guru since the age of 9, and performed his Arangetram (first stage performance) at the age of 10. He was one of the busiest child professional artists with over 20 performances every month including All India Radio and Doordarshan. Prakash has played on over three thousand stages worldwide for Sampradhaya bhajans, Carnatic concerts, dance, orchestra, jingles, and instrumental fusion.
His expertise on variety of percussion instruments are not limited to Mridhangam, but branches on to Dolak, Western Drums, Bango, Ghatam and is well known amongst the professional circles with close network in every continent. Prakash is married to “Naatiya Tharagai, Naatiya Ranjani” Suneetha, a well respected Bharatha Naatiyam traditional dance guru, runs dance studios across the province in Canada. Prakash & Suneetha has presided as an honorary judge, critic, and guest of honor in variety of shows, and continues to nurture music, arts, culture & dance in every way possible.
Prakash holds a degree in electrical and electronics engineering from Bharathidasan University, as well as additional education in International business management and materials management. He has won numerous awards and recognition worldwide towards his unparalleled dedication towards Business, Community, and Music.
Prakash took leadership roles and advocacy in numerous communities, boards, religious, political, and non-profit organizations, and continues to play an active role whenever possible in Canada.
Out of his numerous accolades, some of the recent recognition includes, Ernst and Young “Entrepreneur of the Year” Canada runner-up, Cultural Diversity Champion in the Waterloo region, Mayor’s award, Gowlings President award, Skills International Canada Entrepreneur of the year runner up, WRIEN President of the year, Rotary Paul Harris award recipient, and Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee medal towards his contributions to Canada. He is proud of his cultural heritage, friends, and his family and enthusiastic about contributing to the multicultural fabric of Canada, through his involvement in arts, music, culture, business, politics, community advocacy, and service organizations for decades.
Prakash considers his senior from the university, Senthil Vel as one of his mentors for the last three decades. Prakash is a great fan and follower of Senthil’ s photography, arts, and leadership in multiple platforms and feels proud to be part of the team to contribute into nurture and promote International Indian Folk Arts.